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进行升级,充分发挥游戏 PC 的功能



游戏 PC 的使用寿命是多久?

如果您尚未升级游戏 PC 的任何硬件或组件,则应可以使用 2 到 4 年。在此之后,您可能会看到性能大幅下降。为什么呢?其中一个原因是新游戏需要更多图形、内存和存储空间,这些会使旧硬件更难运行。

请遵循以下理想游戏 PC 升级的步骤,以充分发挥硬件的功能:

步骤 1:安装更多内存

首先需要考虑的游戏 PC 升级是增加或替换您的电脑内存 (RAM)。内存会暂时保存计算机应用程序当前使用的数据,游戏使用其来存储纹理和地图。


Crucial® 英睿达™ 系统选择器系统兼容扫描会告诉您哪些内存模块与您的电脑兼容。


步骤 2:增加存储

如果您当前的存储盘已满,或者遇到了死机或宕机的问题,那么是时候更换一个速度更快、容量更大的存储盘了。如果您仍在使用硬盘 (HDD),那么现在就是升级到固态硬盘 (SSD) 的上佳时机。

SSD 的启动速度更快,比 HDD 更可靠、更耐用。在将游戏 SSD 与 HDD 进行比较时,SSD 还可以更高的传输速度运行,从而使整个系统运行更长时间。不用担心,安装 SSD非常简单,只需几个步骤即可完成。

Crucial® 英睿达™ 系统选择器系统兼容扫描会告诉您哪些 SSD 与您的电脑兼容。


步骤 3:升级显卡




步骤 4:升级处理器

虽然升级处理器 (CPU) 可以提高电脑效率,但过程非常麻烦。

您需要确保主板和内存与新处理器兼容,否则您将需要同时更换所有组件。此外,检查当前的冷却系统是否可以适应升级后的 CPU。

要确定处理器升级是否对您的电脑有帮助,可以运行多种第三方基准测试。如果这些报告表明您的 CPU 功率不足,那么更换一个新系统可能会更容易(也更实惠!)。


步骤 5:增强外围设备

另一种提升游戏 PC 的方法是升级外围设备。如果您使用的是较旧的显示器,新的显示器则可以改善您钟爱游戏的图形显示效果。




如果您正在为游戏 PC 寻找合适的升级,Crucial 英睿达拥有各种内存和 SSD,可满足您的所有需求。欢迎查看我们的产品部分,并使用 The memory and storage experts 升级您的 PC 硬件。


If your gaming computer is running slowly, has long load times, shows screen tearing, lag or other artifacts, your hardware could be to blame. If it's been a while since you bought a new computer or upgraded the components, it might be time to take a look at what's available now and what could improve your gaming. 

Step 1: Install RAM

If you’re having difficulty loading pages, live streaming, or switching among applications, one gaming PC upgrade to consider is increasing or replacing your computer memory (RAM). RAM stores data that is currently being used. Many games store textures and maps in RAM. 

Most factory-built computers have slots to add more memory modules. If there isn’t room for more modules, you can replace existing memory with larger-capacity modules.

The Crucial® Advisor™ tool or System Scanner tool can tell you which memory modules are compatible with your computer.

Find out how to install memory in your desktop computer.

Ballistix DRAM

Step 2: Upgrade storage

If your current storage drive is nearly full or if it is just too slow and you're experiencing freezing or hangs, upgrade it. If you have a traditional hard drive (HDD), this is a good time to look into a solid state drive (SSD). SSDs start up faster and are more reliable and durable than HDDs. SSDs run at a higher speed, and allow the entire system to run more efficient because the other components are not waiting for data like they do when using a HDD.

Read more about SSDs for gaming.

Compare the current capacity of your storage drive with newer models. Both hard drives and solid state drive manufacturers are always increasing the storage capacity of drives. You can get a faster drive with more storage space relatively cheaply.

The Crucial® Advisor™ tool or System Scanner tool can tell you which SSDs are compatible with your computer.

Read more about installing a SSD.

SSD install

Step 3: Upgrade graphics card

If you're having trouble with lag, freezing graphics, or screen tearing, consider upgrading your graphics card. Unless a computer is built specifically for gaming, manufacturers will frequently put in a low-end graphics card. If the rest of your computer is functioning well, a graphics card upgrade can really improve your gaming experience.

Step 4: Upgrade the processor

Although upgrading your processor (CPU) can improve the efficiency of your computer, it can be quite involved. You need to make sure that your motherboard and memory are compatible with the new processor, or replace everything at the same time. Also, check that your current cooling system will accommodate the upgraded CPU. To determine if a processor upgrade will help your computer, there are a variety of third-party benchmark tests you can run. These tests will indicate if your CPU is underpowered. If you’re considering upgrading your processor, you might want to get a new system instead.

Step 5: Upgrade the peripherals

Another way to give your PC gaming a boost is to upgrade your peripherals. If you’re using an older monitor, a new one can improve visibility in games. 

A gaming mouse and keyboard can make a big difference in your play. If you’re using a standard mouse and keyboard, upgrading to gaming-specific tools can enhance your play.

It’s not hard to upgrade some of your computer hardware and it can make a big difference in the speed and responsiveness of your system.

gaming peripherals

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